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Contact Details
General Enquiries
Sue-Ann Bower (SA)

South African Office
Telephone +27 12 996 1922 / 1953
Emergency +27 82 636 8333
Fax +27 86 520 7187


Privacy Policy

At Derrann Travel, we are committed to our clients privacy and security.

We will never pass on our clients personal details to anybody else. We believe that your private details should be kept private, and we guarantee that when you share confidential information with us it goes no further than that.

Although, from time to time, Derrann Travel may provide statistical information about sales, trading patterns and information on navigation techniques to reputable third parties, this will not include any direct personal information, identifying you as our customer.

Member Profiles
When you make a booking or enquiry with us, Derrann Travel, we need to collect certain information so that we can process it. By information we mean your name, email address, frequent traveller numbers, meal requirements, seating preferences, etc.  

Individual profile and company details are not used for any other purpose than that. Details are only supplied to a third party supplier when it is required for goods or services which you have purchased. Although our preferred local suppliers have privacy policies in accordance with the New Privacy Laws, you accept that some third parties are located overseas eg hotels, car rental companies, etc, and may not have in place equivalent privacy policies.

Personal Profiles
Why we collect Personal Profiles on our clients when they book with us:

  • For your convenience and fast service: Retaining your account information on our database means that when you book with us again you don't need to re-enter all of your details all over again. This makes the entire booking process simpler and faster for both yourself and the consultant at hand.
  • To offer you a better product: To better understand what sort of travel experiences our clients are looking for, we sometimes ask them for extra information about themselves. Clients have the choice of providing this information to further personalise their experience with us. Any information shared with us remains completely confidential.

DERRANN TRAVEL has implemented appropriate physical, electronic and managerial security procedures in order to protect personal information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. All information gathered is restricted to our offices.

Only employees who need information to perform certain tasks such as billing and resolving disputes have access to that specific information

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